Posts Tagged Restaurants

Cooking The Perfect Steak

Cooking The Perfect Steak
There is nothing sadder in this world than the sight of overcooked beef! Of course I am being flippant, the sight of overcooked lamb is just as bad. I am no chef and I only have a limited number of cooking skills but what I do cook, [...]
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Groupon Responds

Groupon Responds

Following closely on my previous blog posting, I had a request to meet with the CEO of Groupon and allow them the opportunity to put forward their case. In the interest of fairness, here is a the complete, unedited response that was received from them… Groupon has […]

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Deal Or No Deal? Behind those discount offers.

Deal Or No Deal? Behind those discount offers.

As bloggers we love “deals” we love those “special offers” that allow us to feed a family of four for only R69. A few years ago I wrote an article on what the real cost of these deals are for the restaurant industry and how they effect […]

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How To Get Great Service In A Restaurant (Always!)

How To Get Great Service In A Restaurant (Always!)

I am often asked how I am able to get great service from waitstaff when I go out. let me assure you it is not because they have my picture posted on the notice board under “Big Tippers” or “Friggin Blog Writers” it is because after almost […]

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